Monday, August 15, 2011

Hey Look Magazine!

So it seems the world and his girlfriend (or at least most of Look readers who have blogs!) have entered this competition so I thought "why not throw my hat into the ring?". I'm sure there's loads of other girls much worthier of this prize than me but hey? You never know till you try!
Ok so where to start? Why should I be the lucky gal to be picked? Well let me start at the beginning: I started blogging as a way to help curb my unemployment boredom. I don't do well not having anything to do so blogging became a priority. Jobs came and went since I started this blogging malarky and I must admit it has been great fun. From outfit posts to things I love to random pics and giveaways, I love blogging. I am very happy with my 273 followers. Some people have thousands but I love the ones I have. Not to say i wouldn't love more but I am happy with this lot:)
I am utterly obsessed with fashion. When my mother passed away last year it made me reassess my life and I chose to go down a retail route so I could try becoming a visual merchandiser. A year and a half on I am still no closer to this dream but I refuse to give up. I am currently unemployed again but it doesn't stop me trying my hardest every bloody day! I know I don't blog every day. I suppose I get worried that people don't care about what I have to say but after reading what Lily Melrose had to say on Look's blog about "be whoever you want to be and offer something different to your potential readers" has made me realise that blogging may not be easy but it offers you solace and freedom to be who want to be and talk about what you want to talk about.
That's why I decided to enter the competition to blog from the front row of Look's fashion show. I may not be the world's best blogger but I always try really flipping hard and put my all into whatever is thrown my way so please give me a chance to prove that I will do you proud blogging from your front row.

Love Freya

P.S Here's a picture of me looking pretty cool I think:)

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